The CNMC sees signs of violation of consumer rights in fake reviews on Amazon, Booking and Tripadvisor

On the occasion of the complaint filed by the Consumer and User Organization (OCU), the National Securities and Competition Commission (CNMC) initiated an investigation into the alleged restrictive practices of competition that Amazon, Booking and Tripadvisor would be carrying out in the context of the system of opinions and ratings included in their platforms.

According to the complainant, these platforms have participated in or facilitated the publication of false opinions to value products and services to the detriment of other businessmen who did not use these mechanisms. Thus, for example, they could be accepting reviews from users who have not purchased the product or have not used the service, or they would be applying insufficient controls to prevent the publication of false or interested reviews.

Since the CNMC has found no evidence of these events —indeed, it considers it proven that they have tools and invest in detecting fraudulent valuations— Agree not to initiate sanctioning proceedings and to file the complaint presented by the OCU.

Despite this, the CNMC appreciates that, as indicated in the OCU complaint, these acts of possible publication of false reviews are being carried out by third parties. In other words, it would be the selling companies themselves that would be agreeing with users to publish favorable opinions in exchange for receiving a free product or service.

The CNMC believes that these behaviors could fit into consumer protection regulations, so it has sent the OCU complaint to the General Directorate of Consumer Affairs to coordinate the investigation of these practices that could affect different Autonomous Communities or that could even have supranational significance.

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