Spain launches the sandbox for the application of the future European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence

With the approval of Royal Decree 817/2023, of November 8, which establishes a controlled testing environment for testing compliance with the proposed Regulation establishing harmonized standards in the field of artificial intelligence On November 9, the first controlled test environment will begin to be implemented in our country to evaluate how the requirements applicable to high-risk Artificial Intelligence systems can be effectively implemented.

The test environment will enable cooperation between users and Artificial Intelligence providers in order to study the operability of the requirements established in the proposed European Regulation, to carry out a self-assessment of their compliance and the evaluation of the post-marketing plan of the artificial intelligence systems of the participating entities.

Prior to the completion of this Sandbox regulatory, participants must submit a report to the Subdirectorate General for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Enabling Technologies in order to obtain guidelines based on experimentation that will make it easier for entities, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and society in general, to align with the proposal of the European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence.

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