Apple challenges the European Union by filing a legal remedy against the Digital Markets Act (DMA)

Apple Inc. recently filed a legal remedy against decisions taken by the European Commission, based on the new Digital Markets Act.

The Digital Markets Act regulates several services of Gatekeeper, provided internationally by the following technology companies: Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet's Google, Amazon, Meta and ByteDance's TikTok

One of the main objectives of this standard is to enable users to operate between services of the same category, belonging to these companies. In this way, the European Union, through the DMA, requires technology giants to interoperate their messaging applications with those of their rivals, thus giving users greater freedom to decide which applications to install on their devices.

Although the content of the appeal presented by Apple has not been made public, Bloomberg News suggested that the American technology giant was planning to challenge the inclusion of its App Store in the list of gatekeepers.

For their part, both Meta and TikTok have already filed separate appeals appealing the Commission's decision to include their services among those qualified as Gatekeepers.

Meta, the company behind Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram, disagreed with the Commission's decision to designate its Messenger and Marketplace services under the DMA. However, the company did not question the inclusion of Facebook, Whatsapp or Instagram.

On the other hand, ByteDance asserted that its designation could lead to the consolidation of the power of dominant technology companies.

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